Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dole Plantation

When Momma Kate got to the island, almost the first thing we did was go to the Dole Plantation. This was mostly because I had heard about a wonderful frozen treat called "Dole Whip"...

While we were eating lunch, some stray kittens came to beg for food. They definitely found a sucker in me, as I continued to feed them my teriyaki chicken throughout the meal :)

The grey one just kept giving me the squinty-eyes-love-look, while the orange one meowed non-stop, and would pat my leg. I'll admit it, I took more photos of these kittens than of anything else at Dole Plantation.

Then we took a tour of the gardens, led by a little man named Ray. We were accompanid by a huge family group of about 20 people, who liked to repeat every plant name that Ray said.

For example, Ray:"This is called a 'Rainbow Tree."
Group: "Ohhhhh, Rainbow Tree...."

"This is an apple banana tree."
"Ohhh, apple banana tree..."

You get the point.

Momma Kate enjoying the flora.

Lots of hibiscus plants...

Then we took a little train ride out to see the pineapple fields. Not the most exciting ride, I must say.

Then we finally got our Dole Whip, and it was amazing. It's basically a pineapple flavored soft-serve, that's topped with fresh chopped pineapple.
Just a warning, I will be dragging anyone who visits me here to Dole Plantation simply so that I can get Dole Whip again...

1 comment:

  1. So many Cats!! =) Love the Blog, I am now officially following!
